Even the perfect website is of no use if nobody can find it. What keywords does the user have to enter to land on your website? You should always consider what keywords users will use as search terms before you create the website…this increases visibility…and it improves your position on the search engines. A good ranking on the search engines is not the only advantage of an optimised website…user- and mobile-friendly design is equally important. We all know how irritating unreachable buttons and texts are that are barely legible on the small display of your smart phone. Your website is only really good if it runs equally well on all devices…you don’t want to lose a potential customer due to a badly set-up website.
We help you guide your customers to the desired result with as few clicks as possible. No matter whether your aim is to conclude a transaction, to make contact or your image. By conducting an extensive analysis, we make sure bounce rates are as low as possible and potential customers remain on your website as long as possible.
Once your website is perfectly equipped for search engines, we go one step further and place targeted search engine advertisements…this way we ensure that your achievements and products draw even more attention. Good and meaningful content is essential. We help you find the best way to appeal to your target group and convince them of your brand. We use tracking tools to measure your campaign’s success and optimise it to achieve maximum reach.
Top position
In general, it only takes a few changes to achieve a significantly better result in the search engine ranking. Our aim is to position you and your website at the top.