brands & straplines
What is your brand supposed to stand for? What is it supposed to trigger in your customers? What distinguishes you from your competition? A strong brand conveys authenticity and messages, it is unique and distinctive..easy to understand and stable.
Brainsworld develops brands that work internationally, are timeless and nevertheless highly significant. We help you with these essential initial decisions. We provide you with the perfect logo design, as well as the story behind the brand. In addition to the logo, the right claim is vital for the creation of a brand. Umm…we are not sure why Mr McD believes we love him. It does not matter at all, as you knew immediately who we are talking about. Correct?! We link your slogan with your vision…and design it so that it can be used all over the world.
When it comes to attracting attention and to being on people’s minds, you need creativity…dare to go one step further. Our job is to find the right words, sentences and requirements for your brand.
Name and Claim?
You need a name for your baby? We’ll find it for you! Name and claim go hand in hand, since a good advertising slogan makes your brand even more memorable. The slogan triggers memories for your customers and connects the elements of the communication mix. We link your slogan with your vision and create a perfect combination.