After more than 25 years, it was time for a change. We at Brainsworld 360° took up the challenge and gave the Styrian Iron Road a new visual identity. The centerpiece: a striking “ß” that embodies not only tradition but also innovation. Our aim was to unite the history and future of the region in a modern, state-of-the-art design.
Distinctive, independent – state of the art
“It was and is important to us to give the Styrian Iron Road an appropriately modern touch away from traditional images. With the new logo, we have created a striking, independent symbol with a high recognition value,”
explains Iron Road Chairman Mario Abl.
The feedback was very positive across all municipalities, even the London International Creative Competition shortlisted our branding. What’s next? The gradual renewal of the signage along the Iron Road.
Everything should be in place by the fall – we can hardly wait!